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Best Manicure Tips From 2021

Catriona Holt

Best manicure tips from 2021

What a year we’ve had bringing you all the latest nail and manicure tips and tricks. We love having people into our salon but we absolutely adore sharing our knowledge and expertise so that you can create professional looking nails at home. After all, it’s how we started out all those years ago, playing around with colours and perfecting techniques right at our kitchen table.

As 2021 comes to a close, here is a round-up of some of our favourite top tips and tricks that we’ve shared with you on our blog this year. We've chosen the one top tip we think you couldn't do without for each topic but you can check out the full article for each to get all the best tips.

Ensure polish is on the nails and not on the cuticles to avoid polish coming off the skin and lifting off your nail.

Use the cool setting on your hair dryer and gently direct it at your nails.

Build up your layers of nail polish using very thin layers. Give each layer time to fully dry before applying the next thin layer of polish.

Choose round nails for short fingers, almond shaped nails for wide fingers and oval nail shapes for long fingers.

Choosing your nail shape

Think orange or orange-based reds to draw attention to the nails and away from any signs of aging on the hands.

Think baby blues, lavenders and light pink if you have cool undertones; fluorescent lemon, aqua and teals if you have warm undertones; and buttery yellows, mint greens and light orange if you have neutral undertones.

Discover the best pastel colour for your skin tone

include a lot of biotin rich foods in your diet such as egg yolks, almonds, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Regularly use a good quality nail oil to hydrate your skin and improve nail health.

Having your nails regularly manicured is one of the things you can do to help stop nail biting.

always file in one direction to prevent the nail from splitting and fraying.

Sometimes it's having a little know-how that makes all the difference which is why we love sharing our expertise with you. Check out all our blog articles for all the latest tips, trends and expertise.


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